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The Challenge Program
Phase 1: Rethink Your Career
Welcome to the start of an extraordinary career (ideas and inspiration)
What is a career for?
Set your guiding principles (reading and structured journaling)
Understand the impact you can make in your career (video inspiration) (1:42)
Should I follow my passion? (reading and structured journaling)
How can I use passion when creating my career? (reading and structured journaling)
Seize your opportunity (ideas and inspiration)
Phase 2: Discover Your Potential
Discover the person you want to be (ideas and inspiration)
Become grounded through self-knowledge (video inspiration and quiz) (5:23)
Explore the importance of values (reading and structured journaling)
Choose your values (worksheet exercise and structured journaling)
Discover your strengths (reading, strengths survey and structured journaling)
Identify your interests (reading and quiz)
Build your creative profile (creative types test and structured journaling)
Visualize your future self (creative exercise)
Phase 3: Explore the World of Work
See why the world of work needs you (ideas and inspiration)
Become a challenge researcher (video and Challenge Cards exercise) (2:21)
Research companies that work on your challenge (research exercise)
Find interesting people solving those challenges (research exercise)
Research their educational background (video and research exercise)
Phase 4: Identify Your Education Options
Build the bridge to the future (ideas and inspiration)
Find majors that can help you work on your challenge (research project)
Prioritize your top majors (worksheet)
Choose your top three programs (research)
Phase 5: Plan Your Next Steps
Take one step at a time (ideas and inspiration)
Outline your plan (structured journaling)
Ask your questions (reflection)
To infinity and beyond (ideas and inspiration)
Teach online with
Set your guiding principles (reading and structured journaling)
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